Saturday, October 31, 2009

Game To Drop Four Mixtapes Next Week

Jayceon is dropping four mixtapes next and building up buzz for his R.E.D. album dropping Dec. 8th. Gucci done started something with multi-mixtape releases; it’s far from being a new idea but it’s definietly the sudden trend.

Game is dropping Paint The Town RED with Nu Jerzey Devil, RED October with DJ Drama, The REDprint with DJ Haze & The RED Tape with DJ Kristylez.

Below is the track produced by Jim Jonsin called Better Days that he was tweeting about:

Game – Better Days (prod. by Jim Jonsin)

Props: RR & NR (for the track)

CAPCOM quer sua contribuição...

A Capcom tem uma história grande de jogos de versus, ou em linguagem nerd, “crossover”, como o recém relançado Marvel vs Capcom 2, e os próximos Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Em seu site surgiu uma brincadeira (bem séria) com a marca Kellogg’s

Agora a CAPCOM esta interessada em ouvir suas idéias…
Então, o que você gostaria de ver como um título vs Capcom?

Já imaginou Tokusatsu vs Capcom, ou DC vs Capcom e quem sabe Turma do Chaves vs Capcom…

O jogo ainda não saiu, mas as ideias dos fãs fervem e podemos ver como seria o galo do Corn Flakes contra o Ryu…

MT: Kellogs Vs Capcom new age of breakfast # 1 …

Para postar a tua contribuição, com alguma dica pra a CAPCOM, clique aqui…

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Giovedì 5-11-09 il team volerà in Brasile, a Rio de Janeiro, per affrontare il Riachuelo FC formazione che milita nella V° serie brasiliana.

Salgono così a 10 le nazioni visitate dalla squadra orobica.

Inutili Curiosità sul Brasile:

Il Brasile è il quinto tra i paesi più grandi del mondo, persino più esteso degli Stati Uniti


Le foreste coprono il 65% del suo territorio? In Brasile si trova la più grande foresta pluviale tropicale del mondo: l’Amazzonia, con piante rare utilizzate anche nella moderna medicina


In brasile, inoltre, le specie animali sono tra le più varie del mondo


Nel Nordest, il paesaggio è tipicamente tropicale con spiagge bianchissime circondate da magnifiche palme e un mare caldo.


Secondo la Banca Mondiale Brasile, India e Cina saranno i paesi con il più alto tasso di crescita nei prossimi 25 anni


Il Brasile è l’ottava economia del mondo con un PIL di US$ 840 miliardi


Il Brasile è il maggior paese con area coltivabile del mondo (22% di tale aerea)


E’ il 1° produttore mondiale di caffè, arance e canna da zucchero. Il 2° di mandioca, fagioli, carne bovina e pollame. Il 3° di zucchero e granoturco. Il 2° esportatore mondiale di polli e il 4° di carne suina.


E’ il 2° produttore mondiale di minerali di ferro, il 5° di manganese, il 6° di alluminio, il 7° di oro e 8° di stagno.


Il Brasile possiede la sesta maggiore riserva di ferro del mondo.


Il PIL dell’Argentina è equivalente a quello dell’interno dello Stato di Sào Paulo.


La maggiore centrale idroelettrica del mondo è Itaipu.


Il Brasile occupa la decima posizione mondiale come produttore di energia elettrica.


Il Brasile possiede il decimo parco industriale del mondo.


E’ il 7° paese del mondo in numero di computer e il maggiore mercato mondiale di informatica.


Il Brasile è al 1° posto per numero di utenti di “Internet Banking”, superando Canada, USA e Giappone.


E’ il 2° fabbricante mondiale di rivestimenti di ceramica e compressori per refrigerazione, il 4° di birra, il 5° di benzina, il 6° di sigarette, il 7° di frigoriferi.


Il Brasile è il centro di eccellenza in settori come ingegneria aeronautica, alta tecnologia petrolifera, sviluppo di satelliti, arricchimento di uranio e vaccini.


Il Brasile è l’unico paese dell’Emisfero Sud che fa parte del Progetto Genoma.


È il 3° fabbricante mondiale di aerei per voli regionali e di addestramento.


La società Brasiliana EMBRAER è il 4° fabbricante mondiale di aerei commerciali.


La EMBRAER vende aerei a reazione a turboelica a paesi come USA, Francia, Italia, Svizzera, Portogallo, Spagna, Regno Unito e Cina.


Nel 1997, si investiva solo lo 0,7% del PIL in sviluppo tecnologico e che, attualmente, tale percentuale è salita a 1,8%.


Entro il 2007, saranno operativi 65 milioni di apparecchi telefonici.


Il Brasile è al 9° posto fra i paesi che fanno maggiore uso di internet, dopo USA, Giappone, Regno Unito, Cina; Canada, Corea del Sud e Italia.


Il 65% dei siti latino americani sono brasiliani.


La televisione brasiliana è stata la quarta del mondo ad andare in onda quotidianamente, dopo Usa, Regno Unito e Francia.


La TV GLOBO è la 4° emittente televisiva del mondo, superata solo dalle tre grandi stazioni nordamericane (ABC,CBC e NBC).


I tassi di dissocupazione sono inferiori a quelli europei (Italia:12%) e si situavano a 4,8% nel dicembre del 2000.


Il mercato editoriale di libri è maggiore di quello dell’Italia, con 50 mila titoli ogni anno.


Il Brasile è il 12° produttore mondiale di automobili (Audi, Chrysler, Fiat, Ford,General Motors, Honda, Mercedes, Peugeot, Renault, Toyota, Volkswagen).


Nel 2002 il 95% dei brasiliani hanno inviato la loro dichiarazione di imposta sul reddito via internet.


Durante le ultime elezioni il 65% delle votazioni sono state fatte con sistema elettronico e 67.000 nuove urne hanno mostrato le fotografie dei candidati.
100 milioni di voti sono stati scrutinati in 24 ore.(ricordate invece le ultime elezioni americane…)


Nel Nordest il 70% dei beni immobili superiori ai 50.000 reais è acquistato da Europei.


A Praia De Pipa il 75% degli abitanti è di origine europea.


Pipa è la spiaggia più cosmopolita del Brasile ed una del 5 spiagge più famose di tutto il Brasile.


Nel Nordest gli aeroporti di Natal, Recife e Fortaleza ricevono insieme 105 voli internazionali a settimana provenienti dall’Europa, il doppio di quelli che ricevevano nel 2003.


Questi 105 voli sono voli diretti dalle maggiori capitali europee senza scalo e che da Lisbona sono 6 ore di volo.


Un europeo che si trova nel Nordest con il semplice cambio di euro in reais brasiliani quasi triplica il suo potere di acquisto.


Negli ultimi 3 anni nel Nordest il numero degli europei che ha deciso di acquistare una casa o di ricominciare una nuova vita, in genere aprendo una pousada o ristorante, è aumentato del 60%.


Con la stessa somma che occorre per acquistare un appartamento di 100 m2 in Madrid, un pensionato spagnolo può acquistare una villa su due piani con 4 suites di fronte la spiaggia nel Nordest.


Sempre più europei che vivono in mini-appartamenti nei loro paesi restano incantati dal poter acquistare case grandissime, a pochi metri dalla spiaggia, dove c’è sempre sole e c’è sempre un pescatore che offre gustose aragoste a 17 reais.


Game Girl :).

Wow, it’s been a long time since I last got addicted to games, particularly the virtual kind. Yeah, nothing beats staring at a too-bright screen for 48 hours, minus 4 hours for the bathroom breaks and the eating time ^_^. So as a tribute to those memories, let me give a run through of the best ones I’ve played.

Before the days of the DOTA invasion, Warcraft used to be a military style kind of game. No heroes, no mercenaries; just two ancient races battling it out for domination. This is my FIRST LOVE. My dad used to have the very first version installed in his coughprehistoriccough Toshiba laptop (that thing’s so damn thick, I could use it as a chair xD). I was in grade school back then and he just came home after a year of sailing. Intrigued by the mini figures, I took possession of the mouse and never stopped! ‘Course it was only the orcs and humans back then (plus a couple of sentinels) but I’d give the old one a spin anytime.

*Halo and Half-Time*
This is a bit of a lie if truth be told. It was my brother and dad who got addicted playing them – I got hooked watching them. Haha. I tried having a go and ended up getting killed every 10 seconds. Not exactly promising. This doesn’t change their awesomeness though. I’m just not into the whole first person shooting thing. :|

*Golden Sun*
Would you believe that one of the strongest contender of the Final Fantasy franchise for the title of the best RPG game is played on the Gameboy? Home consoles affect a game’s likeability and playability. I mean imagine playing Final Fantasy X on a Gameboy Original. Black and white blocks don’t do much for Square Enix. You’d think visual-wise and audio-wise, the Playstation outranks the Gameboy by about one universe so how is that possible? Well, Golden Sun more than makes up for its home console’s flaws with a movie-worthy storyline, believable characters, and nearly flawless gameplay that will have you wondering if Golden Sun isn’t really a Sqeenix baby. I was a wee lil 5th Grader when I played its first installment and I’m proud to say I conquered the tough bastard! I must have ruptured a couple of arteries – damn you trick puzzles! – but it was worth it. Personally, as much as a die-hard FF fan I am, Golden Sun would definitely kick some Squeenix butt if it switched consoles (PS3 anyone?). For now though, it’ll have to make do with kicking shins. )

I almost missed this one. Up until high school, my family used to go home to the province for the Christmas holidays. The adults would stay in the main manor and the kids would stay in the other house. Talk about martial law. Why wouldn’t we when we have the comfort of AC and Playstation? ) The only game we’d play was Tekken in its original incarnation. We’d get into all sorts of squabbles, rather expected when 7 power-hungry kids have to share only two controllers.

I’ll cover the next half in the next entry. Til then!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Fly Game

Here’s a great game that’s really fun to play, but unfortunately for the ladies it can only be played by men as the Game Playing Venues don’t allow entry to women. Yeah I know, that really is unfair but don’t blame me, I don’t make the rules girls.

Firstly you need to go to one of the special Game Playing Venues that are located in most parks, restaurants, hotels, cinemas etc…

If you now examine the playing surface closely you can follow my detailed instructions.

Firstly locate the target, a Dead Fly.

The object of the game is to simply steer the fly along the track & through the yellow obstacles with nothing other than a stream of special game playing liquid till you sink the fly down the chute on the far right side of the playing surface to score a goal. You will notice at this venue an extra tricky leaf obstacle has been added.

This game has the same kind of limitation as a video game where you can run out of power or run out of lives. In this game it is “Game Over” when you run out of the special game playing liquid.

Bonus Tip: The length of your game playing time can be extended by consuming plenty of drinks like Coffee, Coke or Beer…

Why not try it for yourself? However be sure to take along your own dead fly as some Game Venues don’t supply them.

Zombie Apocalypse - Demo Impressions (PS3)

It might just’ve been because I had seen Zombieland less than 48 hours before playing this demo but Zombie Apocalypse was great fun.

Essentially a reskinned old style shooter you (and up to four friends) take control of one of the few survivors left following the aforementioned apocalypse.

The idea of the game is to survive day to day (each level being a day) for as long as possible.

You use the left stick to move and the right stick to fire your weapon. In times of emergency you also have a chainsaw which can activated with R1 (quick swipe) or L1 (execution move).

You will be chaining kills like there is no tomorrow and it’s worryingly satisfying to see your ‘kill count’ rack up (on one playthrough mine was almost 600! )

There are a few different weapons in the demo: shotgun, flamethrower and a sort of gatling gun. I’m guessing there are more in the full game but these all felt different enough to give you some choice.

I can’t decide whether this is worth investing in as a full game, especially with Dead Nation (the Zombie shooter for PS3) coming up early next year.

Regardless I’d certainly recommend downloading this and at least giving it a try.


Vectorpark’s Windosill is a beautifully designed puzzle game that features silky smooth animation and brain-busting puzzles. The goal is to get the wooden car from one side of the windowsill to the other side and through the door. The demo is about half the length of the full retail game. Even though I’ve beaten the game’s demo over and over again, I keep returning just to admire all the little details and interactions the developer’s included. Great little diversion.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Varsity Heroes goes international baby!

Real football was born in 1874 when Boston staged Harvard and McGill’s historic on-field encounter. 135 years later, these two universities will again be involved in a “first ever” – the first ever international tournament of a social strategy game which will connect them across the Atlantic with their counterparts in South Asia!

As of now ,the line-up includes Harvard, McGill, GIKI, LUMS, FAST and IBA. GIKI – last time’s champions and title-holders – have been sharpening their knives since over two months now in anticipation of saying hi to their North American cousins. I’m majorly stacking up on popcorn. It will be glorious!

Note: people from Harvard, McGill, IBA – registration is now open. Come one, come all!

Modern warfare 2 is nearly here!

Yes, it is nearly time. Modern Warfare 2 is just around the corner! 16 days to be precise. I and much of you guys probably already know that this will absolutely dominate Halo 3: ODST, which as awesome as it was, was somewhat disapointing with its unexpectedly short campaign and lack of matchmaking with firefight. So in just over 2 weeks my life will be all set for a long long time. I already know the rest of the world will enjoy it!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Angel Beats! エンジェルビーツ

Annonce de l'anime

Episodes : 13
Année : 2010
Format : TV
Auteur Original : Jun Maeda
Chara-design original : Na-ga

Chara design: Katsuzo Hirata
Studios : Aniplex, P.A Works, Visual Art’s/Key
Genres : Supernatural
Site officiel

Synopsie :

Dans le monde de l’au-delà, les anges se battent pour leur destin. Yuri, la leader du Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS), décide de se rebeller contre le dieu qui leur donne une vie sans but. Tenshi, la présidente du conseil des élèves pour un monde après la mort, se bats contre les membres du SSS, en employant des pouvoirs surnaturels, alors que les SSS emploie des armes technologiques.

Mon avis :

Le scénario est tiré du visual novel de KEY, donc on devrait avoir quelque chose de bon ! Je ne suis pas sur du synopsie, n’ayant pas pu jouer au jeu, donc j’espère ne pas avoir écrit une erreur. Bref pour moi un des animes que j’attends en 2010

Trailer :

Thursday, October 22, 2009

For All You Gmail Addicts

I relate. I really do. In my Safari browser, I type in “gm” and then it finishes it for me: It’s like it is reading my mind.

Sometimes when I am not doing much on the computer, I click on the Gmail bookmark or start typing it in without realizing it, even if I am already on my email page.

I think getting email is more exciting to me than Facebook messages. I like that I can be logged into chat, organize my messages, keep all my emails from different accounts in one place, and easily pull up a Google doc for work. When Gmail Themes came about, it probably worsened my email addiction after selecting the fox/oriental theme, cause then I had to keep logging in at different times of the day to see what the fox was up to.

Wait, why am I talking about Gmail? Oh, yeah, I forgot why I started talking about it in the first place. So a little while ago, I noticed Gmail “Labs”. I finally checked it out a little today (go into your Gmail account, click “Settings” in the upper right corner, and click on the “Labs” tab).

Gmail Labs is a testing grounds right within your email account to test out really cool features! Some are great utility-wise, other just plain fun.

Aaanyways, which brings me to this feature I enabled: Snake! Enable this lab feature, and whenever you’re on the main page in your account, just type “&”, and a game of Snake pops up on the screen!

Yeah, you know you'll wanna play this.

So, there, all you Gmail addicts. Here is just another useless time-killing bit of fun for you the next time you are hangin’ around in your Gmail.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Smerby Memberships

Smerby’s membership options allow you to choose the package that’s right for you.  Maybe you want to use Smerby’s services just for personal use, so you don’t need the services for meetings or domains. On the other hand, you could want Smerby for your business, so you don’t need game rentals or a dating service. Either way, Smerby has a membership that’s right for you.

The Smerby Home Membership will give you access to services like AVG Anti-Virus protection, identity theft and credit protection, and spam protection from Spam Arrest. All of these services are there to keep you and your computer safe and give you the protection you need. You also get other great services like online game rentals, photo/video storage, online dating, cash back on free cell phones, and discounts on tickets for the theater, sports, and concerts.

The Smerby Pro Membership offers premium services that all businesses should have. These services include remote PC access, GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar for small and large online meetings, online backup, one domain registration each month, online DVD rental, cash back on free cell phones, and discounts on tickets for the theater, sports, and concerts.

The Smerby Elite Membership gives you access to all of the services from the previous memberships. This plan is the best because you get access to a bunch of brand name companies and you pay less than HALF of what you would normally pay for all of these premium services.

If you want to get all of your online services from one place for one low price, then visit

The Big Day

So today is the big day for my eldest daughter; her first Netball competition! Bless her, she was so nervous this morning as she was getting ready for school, I can’t even begin to imagine the stress we will have with her when it comes to GCSE’s etc. She is such a perfectionist and sets really high standards for herself already. I really try to encourage her to do her best but make her understand that is all she can do! I tell her we will love her and be very proud of her no matter what, but I really do hope that the team wins later as I know she will blame herself if it is not the case. I have decided to not watch but just pick her up after the game finishes as I don’t want to put any more pressure on her. Fingers crossed it all goes well!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tourist Trap: Transform your sleepy city into the ultimate tourist destination!

Tourist Trap (15 MB download)
Transform your sleepy city into the ultimate tourist destination in this strategy game! As mayor, build roadside attractions to draw tourists, truckers, and other travelers as they pass by your stretch of the superhighway. Upgrade attractions and repair them when they break down. Collect revenue, manage growth, and keep your visitors happy, safe, and spending in Tourist Trap!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Written Review: Star Catch

Overview: Star catch is a game where you must group different colors of stars together. It is fun and challenging at the same time.

Features: This is a very fun game. Before the level they tell you how much time you have. If you circle 2 different colored stars then the stars will get madder which will make them worth less points. If you keep on getting them mad a black hole will form and suck them in. It also has open feint where you can share scores, chat, and connect with other players on the app.

Pros: I personally really like this game and found it very entertaining. It is very creative. It may look basic, but after playing you will find it to be really good.

Cons: For some people this might not be your type of game. It is more of a children’s game, but I am sure you will still like it

Conclusion: In conclusion I think this is a good game. It is creative and pretty fun. Might not be your type of game, but some will really like it. For only a dollar I think it is worth a price. If you don’t want to take any chances there is a LITE version in the app store.

Dieter – App Reviewer
♦Written Reviews

My Rating = 3.5/5

Game Review: Where The Wild Things Are (PS3/XBox360)

Not many things make me nostalgic about my early childhood, but the book ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ always brings back fond memories.

The live-action film from Spikes Jonez has me a little concerned about the desecration of my childhood, but then again… this IS the guy who brought us ‘Being John Malkovich’.

My feelings about the movie aside, I decided to check out the requisite tie-in game, hoping it would do the book justice.

Full review inside.

I played this game knowing full well it was intended for children, and I need to make that absolutely clear.

Aesthetically ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ is an extension of the popular children’s book. All the Wild Things will be familiar to kids who read the book, and adults who remember it fondly.

Locations and overall visual style are a direct lift from existing material. If you know the material, you’ll feel right at home, even down to the dance that you can trigger with Max.

After only a few minutes of playing, realization sets in: this game is repetitive. Did I mention it’s repetitive? Oh yeah, it repeats itself a lot.

This is common in games aimed at a younger audience, apparently that demographic is okay with redundancy.

Basic gameplay follows this formula: follow a Wild Thing through the jungle, fight some insects, collect items, rinse, repeat.

Once in a while you’ll be asked to ride a Wild Thing, or do some sailing, and there are cutscenes… but really, you’ll be whacking a LOT of bugs with a stick and doing a LOT of platforming.

This might be fine for you, or your child, but there’s something I haven’t mentioned yet: the controls for this game are broken.

You’ll be playing in a third-person perspective, but rather than putting the camera roughly behind your character, the game shifts left or right of center by a LONG way. Sometimes you can rotate the camera slightly to mitigate the perspective problems, but most of the time you are unable to shift the view enough to make a difference.

There were times where making a single jump or walking across a fallen log took DOZENS of attempts before I made it safely. I died a lot, and I blame unresponsive controls and a shifting camera angle that isn’t under your control… that ALSO shifts your angle on the controls.

An example: walking across a log spanning a deep canyon, I would push the left stick directly to the right. As I progressed across the log, the camera would spin around to the left to provide a better view of the action. When this happens, pushing the stick to the right now causes my character to leap off the right side of the log to his death.

The only way to stay on the log is to match your moves with the motion of the camera.

You show me a six year old that has that skill mastered, and I’ll show you a future surgeon.

The controls are simply broken. Broken if you’re an adult, and tear inducing if you’re a young child.

It’s been a long time since I’ve thrown a controller in frustration, but this game almost had me to that point every five minutes of gameplay.

Some of the sandbox play in the Wild Things village was fun, but really… after 10 minutes, you’ve done everything possible in that area.

‘Where The Wild Things Are’ definitely has a place: as punishment for an unruly child, it would definitely be more effective than a Time Out. Then again, Department of Family Services may consider it child abuse.

Matt says DODGE IT.

As per B.O.M.B. policy, we provide you with links to purchase products we review, even if we can’t recommend them.

Buy Where the Wild Things Are – PS3
Buy Where the Wild Things Are – XBox 360

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The much awaited Call Of Duty Modern Warfare sequel is going to be released in November. With new modes for multiplayer and taking a leaf out of World at war and creating a co-op split screen multiplayer mode. Online is set to be back to the best with new perks weapons and the ability customise your equipment to a much greater extent. Some of the new perks that apparently will be available will be different from some of the things that we have seen before. And things that you think would be good as a joke or you wish you could do. A couple of examples that apparently may be making an appearance will be decoy, this will allow you to place another dot on the radar that will be off from your position. ANother one will allow you to add more than one attachment to your weapon excluding the grenade launcher, this may allow a red dot sight, and a silencer on the same weapon. An example of another piece of equipment is the use of riot shields that you can see in the video posted below.

If you wish to download any of these videos download this toolbar

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Salam Mafia, selamat bertarung.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Political Video Games

Retrouvez cet Article dans son contexte original.

Les political video games : entre discours militant et outil de communication politique actes du colloque "Les Usages partisans d’internet", Nancy, 21-22 juin 2007

Olivier Mauco

Avec Internet, un nouveau type de jeu vidéo apparaît en marge de ces productions internationales « grand public » : les « political games » ou « serious games ». Si les deux genres sont utilisés l’un pour l’autre, ils posent conjointement la question d’un usage politique des jeux vidéo en tant que media. Bénéficiant des facilités d’une distribution dématérialisée, ces jeux au contenu politisé et à vocation militante ou informative émergent sur Internet et permettent de sensibiliser le public à des causes particulières : JFK Reloaded entend prouver que la thèse officielle de l’assassinat de Kennedy est une conspiration, Escape From Woomera critique les camps de détention New Zealandais, Reebok Human rights Foundation , International Crisis Group et MTV ont produit le jeu Darfour is Dying afin de médiatiser le conflit. Conçu par un étudiant en beaux arts, le jeu Paris Riots qui traite des émeutes de banlieue, a été reçue de manières très diverses, à la fois accusé d’être une production incitant à la haine, et à la fois encensé comme une critique du traitement médiatique de la crise. Les partis politiques utilisent aussi le jeu vidéo à la fois pour critiquer le camp adverse (Démocrates parodiant Bush), attirer la sympathie de l’électorat (Disco Sarko par les jeunesses sarkozistes), ou bien sensibiliser le public au fonctionnement de l’Etat (Cyberbudget). La nouveauté du media jeu vidéo, la pluralité des producteurs, des citoyens aux organisations politiques, posent le problème de son utilisation : s’agit-il d’un message politique, comportant une dimension idéologique en son sein, ou bien ne se limite-t-il pas qu’à un simple outil de communication politique dont la principale utilisation serait d’inscrire le problème dans le débat public ? Ces jeux politiques démontrent-ils ou montrent-ils un problème social, culturel, politique ? En s’intéressant aux usages politiques de ces types de jeu, à savoir les producteurs, la teneur du message, le public visé, il devient possible de distinguer un political games d’un serious game. Bien que les différences soient ténues, les fonctions de ces deux types de jeux divergent : militantisme politique pour les « political games », information institutionnelle pour les « serious games ».

Un nouveau type de jeux vidéo est apparu en 2002 : le serious game, ou jeu vidéo serieux. Ces serious games mêlent à la fois la volonté d’utiliser le jeu vidéo à des fins éducatives et informatives (edutainment), mais aussi à la fois aux impératifs de diversification et d’extension du marché des joueurs à celui des profanes et au renouvellement des méthodes de marketing (advergames) afin de toucher un public trop fragmenté (edumarket game) [ALVAREZ, RAMPOUGNOUX, JESSEL, 2006]. A la différence des jeux éducatifs des années 1990 [1], ces serious games misent sur l’autonomie du joueur, capable de comprendre et d’apprendre seul, sans intermédiaire. Au sein de ces jeux vidéo sérieux émerge un objet particulier : les political video games ou jeux vidéo politiques qui reprennent le principe des serious games en intégrant une tentative de politisation des problèmes. Les premiers political video games sont des productions d’amateurs : September 12 et Escape from Woomera, bien que ce dernier ait été ensuite soutenu par le Conseil des Arts Australiens.

La production amateur du jeu vidéo est fortement enracinée dans la conception du hack de Nolan Bushnell, ayant donné naissance au premier jeu vidéo en 1969, à savoir un acte de détournement dont la finalité est de produire un jeu, et non plus de prouver qu’il est possible de pénétrer le cœur du système. A la fin des années 1990, de nombreux amateurs proposent des programmes modifiant les jeux originels : les mods, alors distribués sur les CD-roms des magazines spécialisés, dont le but est d’améliorer certains éléments ou de modifier l’ensemble des caractéristiques du jeu afin de créer des variantes plus ou moins importantes (de l’ajout d’armes jusqu’à la création de nouvelles histoires dans un nouvel univers). Avec la démocratisation d’internet, la production amateur se développe et se diversifie. Si les modifications visant à parfaire les jeux originaux persistent, une nouvelle forme de jeu vidéo apparaît début 2003 : le political video game ou jeu vidéo politique. Le jeu vidéo est alors abordé comme un nouveau media, un moyen de véhiculer des conceptions politiques qui opère généralement sur le mode de la contestation.

La dénomination « jeux vidéo politiques » recouvre un ensemble de jeux vidéo transmettant un message politisé dont le but recherché est une prise de conscience et/ou une publicisation de problèmes sociaux et politiques par le joueur. Cette première définition a minima révèle l’existence de deux critères essentiels à la distinction entre jeux vidéo politiques et jeux vidéo « classiques ». En effet, certains jeux vidéo peuvent contenir des représentations politiques, sans pour autant former un discours politique, c’est par ailleurs le cas de la majorité des productions qui, en instaurant un univers forcément structuré, organisent et hiérarchisent l’ordre social. Par message politisé nous entendons un discours dont la vocation première est d’instituer un objet en problème politique. Ainsi dans Sim city, la gestion des canalisations et usines d’épuration d’eau ne sont pas en soi un problème politique, mais une composante ludique, alors que dans Hydro Hijnks la gestion de l’eau s’inscrit dans la problématique des droits d’accès à l’eau potable dans une perspective de rapports de force internationaux : « interactive adventure designed to promote the discussion of international water rights and identify sources of international conflicts over water rights » [2] . Seconde condition sine qua non d’un jeu vidéo politique : la prise de conscience de problèmes sociaux et politiques et/ou la publicisation. L’ensemble des dispositifs permettant la lisibilité et la visibilité du problème s’en réfère aux logiques de démonstration et de la monstration : par quels moyens l’objet est érigé en problème politique, et comment se problème est développé ; par quels dispositifs le message politisé est publicisé et rendu accessible par le plus grand nombre. En effet, selon la nature des productions, les jeux viseront soit à dénoncer un problème social, soit à rendre visible des actions politiques existantes.

Méthode et analyse des jeux vidéo politiques : sociologie primaire des producteurs

Le corpus de jeux vidéo politiques est constitué de 31 jeux internationaux disponibles soit en libre accès sur internet, soit payants. Nous préciserons que les jeux payants sont une minorité (4 jeux) et à l’exception de Peacemaker, sont affiliés à des organisations soit terroriste (hezbollah) soit des groupuscules néo-nazi et par conséquents leur distribution a été interdite : nous nous sommes procurés la version de démonstration gratuite permettant d’analyser un niveau du jeu. Le faible nombre du corpus s’explique dans un premier temps par le fait que ces 31 jeux constituent dans un premier temps un échantillon suffisamment représentatif voire quasi exhaustif, dans un second temps, certains jeux ne sont que des adaptations, déclinaisons et traductions, reprenant exactement le même principe du jeu originel.

L’analyse des auteurs et producteurs permet de distinguer d’une part les productions indépendantes d’amateurs (12), et d’autre part les productions publiques : universitaires (5), des pouvoirs publiques (4), industriels (1), association (2) groupes politiques (2) ou partis politiques (2) et syndicats (1). Le premier jeu politique, 12 september a été produit par Gonzalo Frasca, universitaire à l’Institut de Technologie de l’Université de Copenhague (ITUC), toutefois cette production n’a pas eu lieu dans le cadre de travaux universitaires, contrairement au jeu 3D world farmer produit par les étudiants dans le cadre des recherches en jeux vidéo de l’ITUC. En considérant la formation des producteurs de jeux vidéo indépendants d’amateurs, deux pôles se forment entre les diplômés de beaux arts (6) et les diplômés en technologie et jeux vidéo (5). A titre de remarque, la présence d’étudiants en beaux arts peut s’expliquer essentiellement par la démarche de détournement, pendant du hack en informatique, qui est commune aux deux univers. Ainsi Paris Riots est né d’un projet de fin d’étude de l’école des Beaux Arts de Nancy, l’auteur ayant souhaité détourner un jeu vidéo (ici Medal of honour).

Les productions par des institutions publiques s’inscrivent dans le mouvement des « serious games » introduit en 2002 par l’industrie du jeu vidéo. Les productions universitaires se concentrent autour de deux grands pôles spécialisés en jeux vidéo et recherches informatiques, l’un européen autour du Center for Computer Game Research de l’ITUC, l’autre américain (Georgia Tech Institut, Mongomery College University, Carneggie Melon Entertainment Technology Center). Les pouvoirs publics français ont produit notamment deux jeux relativement aboutis : Cyberbudget (ministère de l’économie et de l’industrie) directement inspiré de l’initiative du ministère de l’économie japonais et Interim Mission 3D (Institut national de recherche et sécurité), le premier visant à promouvoir la difficulté d’être ministre du budget, et le second sensibilisant aux risques des accidents de travail. Le Programme Mondial Alimentaire de l’ONU, en collaboration avec le professionnel du jeu vidéo Ubisoft a développé le jeu Food Force, abordant le problème de l’aide humanitaire. L’usage des nouvelles technologies et notamment des jeux vidéo par les partis politiques est pour l’instant marginal. Si les jeunes UDF ont lancé lors du référendum sur la constitution européenne le jeu Gérer l’Europe avec la constitution, les autres partis ont un usage a priori anecdotique du jeu vidéo, en témoigne le mini jeu Disco sarko développé par les Jeunes Sarkozystes. Les productions publiques se partagent entre commandes expresses auprès de professionnels (4) jeux amateurs soutenus par les pouvoirs publics (4), productions universitaires expérimentales (2) productions associatives (4) ou interne aux groupes politiques (4).

Les jeux vidéo politiques se caractérisent essentiellement par une certaine homogénéité du niveau de formation des producteurs, disposant d’un niveau d’éducation important, au minimum bac +3, dont le capital technologique est très important. Cette dernière composante est primordiale et soulève le problème de l’accessibilité aux jeux vidéo. Si certains amateurs sont autodidactes (7), la complexité des outils de production d’un jeu vidéo, même le plus simple, nécessite l’acquisition de compétences informatiques et la constitution d’équipes de travail : programmation informatique (maîtrise du langage), game design (jouabilité, interface, règles du jeu), level design (création des univers), production audio et vidéo, etc. Dès lors les productions amateurs ne peuvent être qu’un détournement de jeu existant ou la création de jeux en deux dimensions relativement simples. A l’inverse, les productions publiques disposant de moyens conséquents peuvent s’aventurer à créer des jeux plus complexes, à l’image de Food force, co-produit par Ubisoft.

Cette disparité de moyens, qui a des conséquences sur le degré d’aboutissement technique du jeu et la médiatisation, ne demeure pas l’élément déterminant dans le jeu vidéo politique, car ce ne sont pas tant les représentations, la dimension visuelle que les logiques d’action, que le système de normes qui véhiculent et structurent le message politisé.

Inscriptions dans des problématiques réelles : la simulation comme preuve

L’analyse des registres de discours révèle un clivage certain entre productions d’amateurs et productions publiques : discours de protestation développés par les amateurs, et discours de promotion soutenus par les pouvoirs publics. Les productions d’amateurs opèrent sur le mode de la dénonciation, de la critique et de l’opposition généralement à l’idéologie dite dominante : contrôle des medias, libéralisme, etc, en témoigne le manifeste de Molleindustria, producteur italien de deux jeux à fort succès (Mc Donald video games, Tuboflex, etc.) : « Nous croyons que le slogan rapidement apparu après les manifestations contre l’OMC à Seattle « ne déteste pas le media, deviens le media » s’applique à ce medium. Nous pouvons libérer le jeu vidéo de la « dictature du divertissement, les utiliser au lieu de décrire les besoins sociaux urgents, et exprimer nos sentiments ou idées de la même manière que nous le ferions avec n’importe quel autre media. » [3] L’ensemble des jeux d’amateurs sont une critique des logiques d’ l’organisation capitaliste au travers notamment de la dénonciation de la flexibilité au travail, de la division des tâches et la répétitivité des fonctions, de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles (déforestation, pollution), etc.

Ces productions d’amateurs entretiennent des liens étroits avec les luttes politiques réelles, notamment le mouvement des « sans » : sans droit, sans abris, mais aussi les précaires. En soutien de l’euro may day 2005, Molleindustria a par ailleurs organisé une manifestation virtuelle, la Mayday netparade regroupant 17 000 manifestants virtuels, traduisant à la fois une contamination des problématiques réelles, sociales et politiques dans l’univers du jeu vidéo et l’émergence d’un espace public de contestation : « Les mondes synthétiques fournissent un forum d’interaction qui est potentiellement hors d’atteinte de toute soumissions aux pouvoirs existants » [CASTRONOVA, 2005, 254]. Le jeu Antiwargame formalise le mouvement de contestation anti-guerre en Irak aux Etats-Unis, critiquant les liens entre croissance économique et guerre. Si ces jeux peuvent être définis comme une « critique sociale ordinaire » [BOLTANSKI, 2000 cité dans TREMEL, 2002], ils n’en demeurent pas moins un élément de contestation, quel que soit le degré de légitimité.

La critique des medias est enfin la dernière thématique des jeux vidéo politiques : Paris Riots, Media Blackout, la vache folle, sont autant de dénonciation d’un lien supposé de connivence entre le politique et l’économique, se traduisant par le contrôle social et la censure, reprenant parfois de manière intuitive les notions de cadrage, d’agenda setting. Toutefois, certains de ces jeux font références aux théories du complot, comme Media Blackout ou JFK Reloaded qui remet en cause le bien-fondé scientifique des explications officielles de l’assassinat de J.F Kennedy, défendant la thèse de plusieurs snippers, en proposant une simulation de l’assassinat recréant les conditions du meurtre. Etre dans la peau du tueur, se rendre compte qu’il est impossible de tuer le Président selon la version officielle, consacre l’expérience, la mise en scène, la simulation du vécu au détriment de la démonstration scientifique.

A l’inverse, les productions publiques visent essentiellement à promouvoir les politiques publiques de coopération internationale (humanitaire), des problèmes mondiaux (écologie), de politiques économiques nationales. Elément de promotion et de valorisation, les jeux vidéo politiques publics se présentent comme des outils de pédagogie et de familiarisation aux enjeux économiques et politiques. Alors que les jeux amateurs dénoncent l’inefficacité ou l’illégitimité des actions politiques, les productions publiques prennent le contre-pied en soulignant la difficulté de résoudre les problèmes internationaux étant donnée la pluralité des paramètres : guerre civile, famine, pauvreté, histoire, etc. Cette entreprise de légitimation de l’action politique se double d’une tentative de médiatisation du problème et des actions associatives. La cause humanitaire a donné lieu à trois jeux relativement aboutis et complets : Food Force, Darfour is Dying, et 3D world farmer. Le jeu Food force, développé par l’ONU sensibilise le joueur aux difficultés d’une crise humanitaire : dans l’île fictive de Sheylan en plein l’océan indien, la famine et la guerre civile fontt rage. Le joueur grâce à un dispositif de communication avancé coordonne l’aide humanitaire. Changeant de point de vue, le jeu Darfour is Dying place le joueur dans la peau d’un enfant du Darfour contraint de survivre dans un univers en proie à la famine et à la guerre civile. Le jeu 3D world farmer, produit par l’Université de Copenhague prend place en Afrique et sensibilise aux problèmes de famine, la mortalité infantile, etc. Le système de jeu est tel que le joueur perd généralement quand son personnage arrive à 30 ans.

Le conflit israélo-palestinien est aussi sujet à un jeu vidéo politique, Peacemaker, développé par le Carneggie Melon ETC. Soit dans la peau du président de l’autorité palestinienne, soit dans la peau du premier ministre israélien, il s’agit d’aboutir à la paix, en jouant de la diplomatie, de la coopération culturelle, éducative, des opérations de sécurité civile et militaire, des rapports de force régionaux et internationaux. Devant faire face à aux opinions de son peuple, du pays voisin, des communautés arabe, européenne et américaine et internationale, la victoire, ici la paix, est presque impossible. Ainsi le système de jeu, les règles et les conditions de victoire sont un choix idéologique déterminant.

L’expérience interactive comme discours idéologique

Le jeu se compose d’un système de représentation et d’un système de normes permettant l’action des protagonistes [MAUCO, 2006]. Selon Johan Huizinga, théoricien du jeu, il « satisfait les idéaux d’expression de la société » car il « réalise dans l’imperfection du monde et la confusion de la vie, une perfection temporaire et limitée. » [HUIZINGA, 1988, 28-30]. Si la dimension idéologique des jeux a été évoquée par Marcel Mauss [MAUSS, 1937], les études sur l’idéologie des jeux demeurent du domaine du projet . Les jeux vidéo politiques sont des constructions idéologiques, incarnant à l’écran les représentations du monde et de par leur mode de production industriel imposant un système de règles à la différence des rites et jeux d’enfant . Le jeu « crée de l’ordre, il est ordre » [HUIZINGA, 1988, 31], et par conséquent organise les idées de manières schématiques, structure la pensée et les représentations en proposant une expérience. Dès lors, ces jeux vidéo politiques par l’introduction de l’interaction, opèrent un passage du « voir » vers le « vivre », dans un processus de subjectivisation et d’individualisation du rapport simulé à l’objet problématique.

Les jeux vidéo politiques véhiculent certes un message explicite de par les représentations qu’ils véhiculent, mais à la différence d’autres messages politiques, peuvent modéliser la complexité d’une situation de par les règles du jeu et l’interaction. Ainsi dans le cas de Peacemaker, les règles du jeu, les ressources d’actions mises à disposition du joueur véhiculent un message spécifique : chaque représentant politique doit faire face à de nombreuses contraintes, et les modalités de résolution du conflit sont très difficiles. Le sens du message n’est dès lors plus seulement dans la représentation, mais dans l’interaction même qui produit le sens. Au travers de September 12, Gonzalo Frasca dénonce l’inefficacité des politiques d’intervention anti-terroristes américaines non pas sur le mode de la narration, mais sur le mode du jeu : au fur et à mesure que le joueur tue un terroriste, les terroristes se multiplient, les bâtiments sont détruits, les civils tués. Le message politisé est contenu dans les règles du jeu. Dans Paris Riots, l’auteur dénonce la construction médiatique des émeutes de banlieue d’octobre 2005 en proposant d’incarner des CRS qui certes se préparent à l’événement mais ne rencontrent aucun émeutier sur leur chemin : le non-jeu dénonce le non-événement.

Le gameplay, à savoir les règles du jeu, les modalités de résolution du problème est la composante essentielle du message idéologique et l’élément de différenciation des autres messages politiques. Les représentations, souvent stéréotypées, ne sont que des signes, des marqueurs du topique de l’action, du sujet traité, car le jeu vidéo politique est avant tout une mise en scène des rapports entretenus [FRASCA, 2001]. Dès lors la définition de l’idéologie développée par Althusser devient un élément de saisissement du jeu vidéo politique : « ce n’est pas leurs conditions d’existence réelles, leur mode de vie réel, que les « hommes » « se représentent » dans l’idéologie, mais avant tout leur rapport à ces conditions d’existence qui leur y est présenté. » [ALTHUSSER, 1995, 297]. Les jeux vidéo politiques sont des messages sur la relation, la complexité des composantes du monde réel, ils formalisent et modélisent les rapports de force. L’utilisation de la définition althusserienne de l’idéologie doit être appréhendée comme une définition mécanique du rapport à un système de représentation, dans le cas présent d’un système informatique de signes. Les jeux vidéo politiques interpellent [4]] le joueur en sujet de l’idéologie par l’ensemble de règles représentant le rapport du sujet face au problème : l’enfant du Darfour face à la guerre civile et la famine, le président américain dans sa lutte contre le terrorisme, etc.

Le jeu Cyberbudget, développé en 2006 par le ministère de l’économie et de l’industrie propose au joueur de vivre l’expérience de ministre des finances : gérer les revenus, équilibrer le budget, faire des déclarations à la presse, prendre des mesures économiques, favoriser telle ou telle branche, etc. A priori Cyberbudget est un outil d’information, de sensibilisation aux politiques économiques. Or en analysant le mode de résolution des problèmes, notamment le « jeu des réponses aux journalistes », il apparaît clairement que la solution la plus efficace n’est pas une politique sociale d’imposition / redistribution qui est sanctionnée par les remarques suivantes : « Le Monde : un budget orthodoxe qui risque de geler la croissance ». La difficulté de certaines parties du jeu, notamment l’épreuve de « pilotage budgétaire » permet de justifier des difficultés rencontrées dans la vie réelle. Deux grandes tendances se dégagent ainsi de ce jeu : mettre en avant la « dure vie » d’un ministre du budget, et d’autre part révéler l’efficacité d’une politique d’inspiration néo-libérale et discréditer toute politique de redistribution. Ainsi sous couverts d’information, les jeux vidéo politiques ne peuvent se détacher de l’idéologie partagée par leurs producteurs.

Entre processus de démonstration et logiques de monstration : problématiques de visibilité

Les premiers résultats provisoires d’une étude de réception des political video games révèlent le manque de lisibilité du jeu vidéo politique de la part de novices, quand il n’est pas assorti d’un site internet l’accompagnant, à l’exception des mini-jeux parodiques. Dans notre corpus de jeux nous avons dénombré 25 sites que accompagnent et présentent le jeu, qui expliquent la démarche, proposent un ensemble d’informations annexes. Toutefois en plus d’expliquer le principe du jeu, ces sites offrent tout un ensemble de ressources sur le thème abordé : des liens vers les organisations humanitaires (food force vers l’ONU, 3D world farmer vers les ONG – Action contre la faim, MAnesty International, etc.), vers des sites politiques (antiwargame renvoie à l’internationale socialiste) de propagande (Special Force by Hezbollah) ou des partis politiques (disco sarko renvoie sur Le degré performatif du jeu vidéo est ainsi limité par le degré de familiarité à ce media, le niveau d’éducation à l’image, mais peut être pallié par le dispositif autour du jeu.

L’étude de la publicisation de ces jeux vidéo politique pose le problème des ressources et des usages. Les productions d’amateurs ne bénéficient pas des mêmes circuits de publicisation que les productions publiques : absence de service de presse, impossibilité de mener une campagne marketing, non appartenance aux réseaux sociaux d’information. Toutefois l’accès à la visibilité de ces productions suit un schéma classique : relais d’information par sites et blogs, saisissement du sujet par un journal grand public, généralement lorsque le jeu soulève une polémique, traitement médiatique sur les réseaux d’information nationaux.

La réception du jeu Paris Riots s’avère intéressante dans la mesure où elle incarne le schéma classique de l’accession à la visibilité d’un political games amateur. Dans un premier temps le jeu est mentionné le 3 juin 2006 dans le blog de grande audience de Loïc Lemeur . Intégré dans un réseau social d’information, la circulation de l’information s’accélère, d’autres sites relayent l’information [5] . Le jeu ayant accédé à une certaine visibilité, les medias généralistes (Radio France Bleue) et spécialisés (Magazine Echos de la FNAC) s’y intéressent, or le traitement médiatique grand public de Paris Riots provoque une polémique. Radio France Bleu dans le cadre de son flash d’information de 12h00 le 23 juin 2006, présenta Paris Riots comme « un jeu vidéo qui propose aux internautes de réprimer les émeutes de banlieue, les policiers se disent scandalisés. Entre récupération et apologie de la violence, un jeu vidéo fait scandale ». Cette présentation s’intègre dans un discours généralisant entretenu sur les jeux vidéo autour des questions de violence, ne présentant pas Paris Riots pour ce qu’il est, mais pour ce qu’il représente : encore un autre jeu vidéo ultra violent . Conséquence directe, la réception politique du jeu est alors totalement détournée au profit d’une conception idéologique du jeu vidéo qui s’articule autour des problématiques plus larges de régulation des médias [MEON, 2007]. Ce processus de réappropriation est opérant pour la plupart des médias [GOBILLE, 2007 et GUIARDET, 2007], toutefois, cette dénonciation de la violence opère sur un mode systématique, et ne considère pas le contenu du jeu. La réaction du président de l’UNSA police condamne le jeu sans y avoir joué, inscrivant le problème soulevé dans la problématique plus large de l’image de la police. Effet direct de cette médiatisation du jeu, le nombre de téléchargement du jeu a dépassé le lendemain les 10 000 connexions. A l’inverse, le même auteur, a produit récemment le jeu Politicshow sur le traitement médiatique des élections présidentielles de 2007. Or le jeu n’ayant pas été reçu par la critique, n’ayant fait l’objet d’aucun article, d’aucune brève, enregistre un taux de fréquentation très bas et stagnant (500 visites). Autre exemple, Escape From Woomera, jeu dénonçant la présence de camps de réfugiés en Australie, engendra un débat public d’importance nationale dès lors que le jeu fit l’objet d’un article dans le Sydney Morning Herald : le jeu a été encouragé par le Conseil National des Arts Australiens, alors qu’il remet en cause une autre branche des pouvoirs publics, le ministère de l’intérieur.

Ainsi un jeu vidéo politique amateur ne peut exister sans un traitement médiatique adéquat. Pendant les présidentielles, l’émission Dimanche + a consacré sa rubrique « campanet » sur le suivi de la campagne présidentielle sur internet, mentionnant l’existence de plusieurs jeux vidéo relevant davantage d’une communication marketing que d’un réel jeu vidéo politique, à l’image de La vache folle ou Disco Sarko. Ce dernier est un cas intéressant relevant à la fois du jeu et de la satire politique. Disco Sarko est une création des Jeunes Sarkozystes, pour rendre l’image de Nicolas Sarkozy plus sympathique et attirer des électeurs potentiels vers le site du candidat à la présidentielle, par un renvoi automatique vers « ». Intégrer dans un dispositif de marketing politique, Disco Sarko n’est pas tant un jeu vidéo politique, bien que présenté comme tel par les medias, mais un élément de communication politique visant à capter un électorat jeune, voire même opposé au candidat. Ce processus de publicisation par le jeu vidéo est aussi courant pour les problèmes humanitaires. Le jeu vidéo politique devient un moyen de sensibiliser un public spécifique, généralement jeune.

Si les jeux vidéo amateurs sont tributaires du traitement médiatique des médias généralistes, les productions publiques disposent quant à elles de ressources en communication importante. Le jeu cyberbudget a bénéficié d’une médiatisation importante, évoqué dans les medias généralistes grand public ; le jeu a été par ailleurs joué plus de 400 000 fois. Le jeu Food force a fait l’objet d’une campagne publicitaire, notamment avec des affiches dans le métro parisien et la presse spécialisée. Nous pouvons enfin observer une première étape dans le processus d’institutionnalisation de ces jeux, par la mise en place de concours nationaux, d’appels d’offre des institutions publiques nationales ou internationales et la création de projet privés et publics sur le serious game. Les productions amateurs, porteuses d’un discours militant de contestation risquent d’être au fur et à mesure quantitativement inférieures aux productions institutionnelles en charge de la publicisation de problèmes politiques et sociaux, et de la promotion de politiques publiques.

  • Alvarez (Julian), Rampnoux (Olivier) Jessel (Jean-Pierre), “New advertising tools : Edumarket game” in Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006), Colloque Copenhague, 27 et 28 avril 2006, Copenhaguen Business School Disponible en ligne sur :
  • Althusser (Louis), « Idéologie et appareils idéologiques d’Etat », in Althusser (Louis), Sur la reproduction, Puf, 1995, page 29

  • Caillois (Roger), Les jeux et les hommes, 1967, Folio 1998
  • Castronova (Edwards), Synthetic worlds. The business and culture of online games, The University of Chicago Press, 2005, page 254

  • Charpentier (Isabelle), dir., Comment sont reçues les œuvres ?, Créaphis, 2007
  • Méon (Jean-Matthieu), « Analyses de la réception et contrôle des programmes télévisés : le recours paradoxal du CSA à la question des effets des médias »

  • Gobille (Boris), « Le refus de vieillir. Mai 68 dans laréception critique des romans d’Olivier Rolin en France »
  • Guiader (Vincent) « L’extension du domaine de la réception. Les appropriations littéraires et politiques des Particules élémentaires de Michel Houellebecq »

  • Frasca (Gonzalo), Videogames of the oppressed. Videogames as a means for critical thinking and debate, 2001 Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Huizinga, Homo Ludens, 1951, Gallimard TEL, 1988, page 28
  • Mauco (Olivier), « Les représentations et logiques politiques des jeux vidéo. L’intériorisation des logiques collectives dans la décision individuelle » in Genvo (Sébastien), dir., Le game design de jeux vidéo : approches de l’expression vidéoludique, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2006,

  • Mauss (Marcel), Notes de cours « rapport des jeux et des rites », 1937, édition de 2005 disponible en ligne sur : ?id=172&format=print#tocto1

  • Tremel (Laurent), Faiseurs de monde, PUF, 2002


3D world farmer, IUT Copenhague

9-11 survivor


climate challenge

climate change pentathlon

Cyberbudget, France

Darfour is dying MTV – Reebok human rights

disco sarko

Ecoville (ademe)

Escape from woomera

Ethnic cleansing the game

Foodforce ONU

Gérer l’Europe avec la Constitution (UDF)

interim mission 3D

La vache folle

media blackout


Paris riots

Pax warrior

Peacemaker - résolution pacifique des conflits


September 12th

Special Force by Hezbollah

super columbine massacre RPG


The tech worker challenge


Waco resurrection / 6 octobre 2003

water alert (UNICEF)

water game

White law, 14 juillet 2003 / Zog nightmare

[1] L’utilisation du jeu vidéo par les pouvoirs publics n’est pas une nouveauté : les années 1990 furent marquées par les « jeux éducatifs » sur CD-Rom, mais toutefois confrontés à des difficultés d’utilisation pédagogique. Des logiciels comme Adibou connurent un réel succès, toutefois la conception d’« apprendre en jouant », emprunte d’une idéologie de la convergence, de la fusion des différents domaines et activités promis par le multimedia, laissa peu à peu la place à « apprendre puis jouer ». Sur les jeux vidéo éducatifs ou ludo-éducatif voir l’ensemble des travaux de Katherine Kellner, notamment sa thèse en Science de l’information et de la communication, La médiation par le cédérom ludo-éducatif. Approche communicationnelle, dir. Jacques Walter, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, 2000
[2] “Montgomery College Computer Gaming Students Awarded for “Hijinks”, Montgomery college university news page, 24 mai 2006. Disponible en ligne sur :
[3] « We believe that the explosive slogan that spread quickly after the Anti-WTO demostrations in Seattle, “Don’t hate the media, become the media,” applies to this medium. We can free videogames from the “dictatorship of entertainment”, using them instead to describe pressing social needs, and to express our feelings or ideas just as we do in other forms of art. » ?id=18
[4] « Nous suggérons alors que l’idéologie « agit » ou « fonctionne » de telle sorte qu’elle « recrute » des sujets parmi les individus (elle les recrute tous), ou « transforme » les individus en sujet (elle les transforme tous) par cette opération très précise que nous appelons l’interpellation. » [ALTHUSSER, 1995, 305
[5] Six sites recensant les meilleurs sites du moment ont consacré une brève ou un article sur Paris Riots.


Karuta is the ancient game of picking cards based on the poem written on it. Basically it is played by two people who try to pick the right card. The fastest the player is, the more chances she/he get to collect the card. Winner is decided by the number of card collected.
Karube Taichi loves this game. He always plays it at night at the game center. Even so, the real game is much more complicated than what he thought. When he accidentally hurt Ono Chitose’s hand, he begins to know more about this game. Ono is the only member of Karuta Club and now that her hand is injured, she has to forfeit her participation on National High School Karuta’s championship. Karube offer to play her substitute. But, it’s not easy to play the real game. Ono has to teach him so many things. However, Karube is a stubborn man and he insists in doing things like he want. Well, let see how he can deal with the Karuta’s player all over Japan!

My rating:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Google Street View Mashup

Absolutely love this use of google street view….

To promote their latest release ‘In this light and on this evening’ Editors have produced this clever street view mashup….

The aim of the game is to move through the streets until the dot (on the left)is in the middle of the radar.

This makes me wonder what other ways Google street view is being used….if you know of any let me know I would love to see them.

Nestlé + teste de game em embalagem de cereal!!

Antes de você parar de ler por aqui, só por achar que essa é só mais uma simples ação envolvendo realidade aumentada, queria me comprometer em colocar, daqui pra frente, só idéias inspiracionais de uso desta, que está sendo considerada a tecnologia mais “hype” e saturada do momento. Fechado?

Numa ambiciosa parceria com aDassault Systèmes, empresa francesa especializada em soluções em 3D, a Nestlé começou a testar a tecnologia de realidade aumentada que permite transformar uma simples caixa de cereais em um console de game com sensor de movimento. Inspirador o bastante, não?!
A idéia converte a plataforma em uma tentadora brincadeira, transformando o café da manhã em um momento de diversão e entretenimento. O game é inspirado no filme “Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard“, de Luc Besson, que estréia em breve nos cinemas de todo mundo.
Ao que tudo indica, as embalagens com os códigos tridimensionais chegará às prateleiras francesas em novembro.

Colaboração de Fernando Bamberg 

Why a Hedonist Attends Anime Conventions

I don’t attend anime conventions for anime. Nor do I attend them for manga. Music? No. I don’t attend them for the cosplay, the panels, or even to see the awkward fashions one would only feel brave enough to wear during these conventions while surrounded by those similarly dressed…please, you know what I am talking about, don’t pretend otherwise and become defensive.

No, I attend them for those people inside the fashions and cosplays. Those people who attend the panels and concerts. It’s not that they are particularly interesting to talk to, actually ninety percent of the time I find myself avoiding talking to people altogether. I tend to get easily annoyed at the matter-of-fact and almost robotic speech patterns of the every day anime fan. It’s easier to talk to those there for the music but at one point or another, no matter how long and how nice of a conversation you have, they are going to have a slight or maybe even large episode of what is liked to be called fandom. Not that anything is wrong with people speaking the way they do or even being extreme about a certain person or group, to each their own…but so much of it in such a short period of time? No, thank you.

I just want to stare at them. I want to find a high traffic area and place my ass on its make-shift throne, smoke my cigarettes and gaze at all them through my knock-off name brand sun glasses. Not because I find them beautiful but because I want to watch them socialize, watch them walk, pose and act. I enjoy comparing them all as well, although I normally find that almost all of a cons attendees act the same. Just like the speech patterns. Their slouched slumpy walks, they are either loud and overly confident or quiet and shy mannerisms. They are almost all clumsy in their existence, and that clumsiness and gaucheness is what makes them attractive to me. I find myself longing for their societal obscurity.

I know, I know. Now you are all thinking, besides what a snarky bastard I am, that wouldn’t I get bored after doing this for three days? Yes. I am normally bored half way past the first day of it so I have devised certain games and what fun, if not slightly antagonistic and cruel, they are! One game, that I don’t mind sharing with the masses, is one that I developed on accident but one that has become a favorite of mine. It’s simple and actually there are no rules or a planned outcome so it doesn’t technically classify as a game, now that I think really about it. All it involves is staring, as before, but more intensely. The trick is to never look away. It doesn’t matter if they make eye contact or how long the stare back or even if they look away and by doing so offer the chance for you to look away without making the situation even more uncomfortable. Do not look away.

Why? Because it makes them change. They go from being in their comfort zone, their once a year security blanket, to feeling exposed and they change in way that is more noticeable than they realize. They reach to fix their hair or wipe at their face, something could be wrong you know? Many draw into themselves, pull their arms in tighter, slump a little more and drop their chin so that the only convenient place to look is the ground which makes their bodies one giant contortion, which is hard not to find lovely with its strange and exaggerated angles. Some start giggling and tugging at their clothes, which I can’t help but think to be sickeningly cute. Some that are misfortunate enough to stop and stand by me when I am conducting my game, pull out their cell phones and flip it open to look at the time and remain holding it, and then a few seconds later look at the time again. And again. And again. Then some also have the habit of looking at their wrist, over and over again, like looking at a watch, and sighing and walking away as if someone just ditched them for a meeting. What I want to know is, where exactly was that watch you were hiding on your arm? Was it under the skin and if so, can I please have a look? That would be a wonderful sight for my eyes, could you imagine how gorgeous that would be? The skin stretched and paper thin over the glass and metal, the markings faintly exposed. The hands would have to be on the outside of the skin, in order for there to be even a slight possibility of it working, but them turning over the skin would be enough to make cry at the beauty of all of it. Eh, but we digress.

I absolutely love it when people don’t do any of the afore mentioned things and approach me instead. Those are the people I find worth talking to more often than not. Those are the ones that have something to say that is worth listening to, and they are the ones that actually possess the confidence that every one else has borrowed for the weekend. They are the ones whose minds are truly beautiful and whose personalities I find attractive for more than just a few seconds at a time. However, those that only approach and randomly hug before running off. I cannot stand them. At all. I feel the need to shower after they have touched me. It isn’t that I hate being touched or even that I know they have touched hundreds before me that day while counting the hugs. I hate that some one who is so unhappy with the emotions they receive from others on a day-to-day basis, tried to stimulate those emotions from me and the others they touched that day to fill whatever void it is that they have. Then there is the fact that they touched me without my permission…

I have other games as well but they are either not worth mentioning or ones that I am unwilling to share with others being the selfish person I am. Before I leave you all to fume I’ll address something that I am sure will be mentioned over and over again from here on out: don’t I feel bad about turning these places that these kids use as an escape from every day living, a place that they feel they can be confident and comfortable in their own skin and express themselves without judgement, into a living sociological experiment? Well, honestly I have tried to feel guilty and such but since we are being honest with each other, I just can’t bring myself to feel sorry over doing something that brings me so much pleasure.

à plus, ma chérie.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Like Phoenix From The Ashes

Just in case any of you have been wondering why I haven’t updated the blog in nearly a week… the reason is called Risen.

Risen in the new game by German developer Piranha Bytes, the makers of Gothic 1 & 2. They are also, unfortunately, the makers of Gothic 3, a game which is pretty high on my list of things that I should undo if I ever were to get access to a time machine. (There’s other stuff higher on the list, but not much.)

Jonas and I bought the game about ten days ago and it is fair to say that it is slightly addictive. Jonas is good about stuff like that, he can still function normally in the presence of a good game. When I’m playing  a good RPG the only way to get me to do something else than play usually involves a crowbar.

Anyway… I solemnly promise to write a more detailed review of Risen when I’m done with the game, which should be in another few days, but for now I just want to say that Piranha Bytes have truly managed to redeem themselves.

It is true: after Gothic 3 I thought they had lost their minds and that putting them in an insane asylum, a really old-fashioned one without any computers, would be a splendid precaution.

But Risen makes more than up for the agony that Gothic 3 has inflicted on us. They graphics are beautiful. The fighting system is well balanced. Levelling is once again something to look forward too. You can climb (big, wonderful bonus!). And the story is sounding good so far.

Last but not least: the game is a Gothic game in all but name. There are a lot of small nods to the Gothic franchise and even the story seems to be based, at least partly, on one of the possible endings of Gothic 3. (No, this is not a spoiler. You get the relevant info in the first cut scene of the game and if you’re concerned that this might spoil your Gothic 3 experience: don’t, the game manages to do that on its own, it doesn’t need my help for that.)

Also, miracles never cease, the game seems to be pretty much bug free. There seem to be certain issues with a few types of graphics cards, but neither of us are affected by that and in any case there’s a patch out already that fixes it. The only other bug I have encountered is rather beneficial to the player, so I won’t complain.

So yay for Piranha Bytes and Risen on all counts. A more detailed review shall follow soon.

Cake Mania Main Street: Help Jill revitalize her hometown by managing 4 unique shops!

Cake Mania Main Street (83 MB download)
Help Jill and her closest friends earn enough money to revitalize Main Street by managing and upgrading four unique downtown shops and building must-see tourist attractions, like the World’s Largest Cake, in this highly-anticipated sequel. With all-new shop mechanics, 50 shop equipment upgrades, 40 unique mouth-watering recipes, and hilarious new customers, Cake Mania Main Street offers players four truly addictive time management games in one!

4 Δεκεμβρίου διαθέσιμο το Tony Hawk: Ride

Από 4 Δεκεμβρίου διαθέσιμο το Tony Hawk: Ride | Game 2.0

H Activision ανακοίνωσε ότι το πολυαναμενόμενο Tony Hawk: Ride τελικά θα είναι διαθέσιμο από τις 4 Δεκεμβρίου για Xbox 360, PS3 και Wii.

Προηγουμένως το περιμέναμε στις 20 Νοεμβρίου.[next]

Related articles by Zemanta:
  • Tony Hawk Skateboard Peripheral Will Be Used In Other Games
  • Madagascar Kartz Combines Madagascar, Kartz [Game Announce]
  • Jurassic: The Hunted has screenshots (pics of dinosaurs!)
  • Skate 3 Rolls Out In 2010 [Game Announce]

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vote for Me...

You know what they say, you’ve got free will. How the hell are you supposed to let that free will out when there are rules? I’m telling you, the only way to really bring out that freedom is to show that there are no rules.

This could be me in a hundred years. Trust me, it doesn’t matter what people think anymore…. because what people think is what got people like me where we are now. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Bilbo: The Four Corners of the World

At last 2 month of development and flash version of Bilbo: The Four Corners of the World game is ready. It’s easy-to-play dynamic casual arcade that is sponsored and promoted by Alawar games. Also it’s free and I hope you enjoy it. Please add it to favorites or just leave your vote or comment if you like it. In my turn I’ll publish available data on monetization as soon as promotion program of the game will be complete.
Thank you in advance.
Take a trip around the world with Bilbo to see if he can win the heart of his true love! In Bilbo: The Four Corners of the World, you get to choose the menu based on the tastes of your guests and then do everything in your power to earn Bilbo a big tip! Seat guests, take orders, serve meals, and tons of other stuff! Featuring a cast of wonderfully animated animal characters, this Time Management game will have you grinning from ear to ear!

93% Luck, Elaborate!

A portent?

On the previous day of my Combined Humanities exam, I was on the verge of giving up studying. I started playing Typing Maniac in Facebook out of boredom and hopelessness – the last word I played turned out to be “elaborate”.


So I took it as a hint. I have to elaborate as much as possible while answering my Structured Essay Questions.

Then, it was rumored the topic of Deterrence & Diplomacy in Social Studies will be tested. I read through swiftly, remembering the only small details like how China built the Aksai Chin Road and had a war with India over territory.


But unfortunately, I didn’t remember much about the China-India conflict. Since the question was “to what extent is conflict over territories the conflict among countries”, I remembered the last word I played in the game, and elaborated on Singapore and Malaysia laying claims on Pedra Branca. Yet again, unfortunately, I realized that I have misspelled it as Pedra Blanca. Awww heck those people who love to confuse their R’s and L’s in their pronunciations.

After tackling Social Studies, I was met with the challenge of History…

I had only studied the first chapter of History. And thank God it was tested! :O

Was that my 93% luck!?!?! It’s a mere number generator that I used early in the morning before my exam.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Magnacarta 2: Walkthrough Video

From/De: Namco Bandai Games America

New MAGNACARTA™2 Walkthrough Video Available for Download

NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today released a new walkthrough video for Magnacarta™2, the latest entry in the successful Magancarta franchise, available exclusively Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft on October 13, 2009. The walkthrough video spotlights the signature Chain System that combines real-time action and a turn-based stamina mechanic to deliver an unequaled RPG experience. The innovative battle system offers a new and engaging take on the traditional combat RPG system by adding real-time attack timing, stamina bar limiter, and massive combat bonuses for the adept.

Developed by SoftMax, the team behind the original Magna Carta: Tears of Blood, Magnacarta 2 combines a deep storyline, beautifully detailed graphics, and an unrivaled active turn battle system to create a fresh new RPG experience.

Amidst the tragedy of civil war, Juto, a man with no recollection of his past is destined to end the cycle of bloodshed and save the Lanzheim Kingdom from eminent doom. Together with Princess Zephie, the rightful heir to the throne, Juto must navigate an uncertain world full of tragedy, chaos, and slaughter to regain his own identity and forge a new one for the kingdom.

Developed by SoftMax, the team behind the original Magna Carta: Tears of Blood, Magnacarta 2 combines a deep storyline, beautifully detailed graphics, and an unrivaled active turn battle system to create a fresh new RPG experience.

Magnacarta 2 is rated “T” for Teen by the ESRB and will have a MSRP of $59.99.  For more information on Magnacarta 2, please visit:

More on game-making

Okay so I rememebered now that games are supposed to teach us something, otherwise they’re not fun. So my game will teach first the use of combos, IE timing. That’s for the action and fun to get along. But then when different animals are interduced, they offer different game-types, and you have to use all the forms to answer some questions. So I want it to teach thinking from different points of view.

Also, Aquaria is a game which I’ve seen some time ago and been sitting in my brains ever since. Haven’t played it though it made me want to make something similar. So we have some stuff in common. Besides it’s really pretty so go check it out.

Also, today I’m finally going to the model store! Gonna build my green set and an armateur so I can start testing! Wheee

Certainty: A game

This is a game for three or four players, or more.

One player becomes ‘The certain’, figure out who in whatever way you wish. The first time playing this with someone, you may wish to only tell them rules 1-4, and say the latter ones have a special surprise if k

Another is the game manager (GM), probably the person who read these rules and initiated the game.

Everyone else are players.

Step #1, The player who is ‘The certain’ thinks up something he or she as a person thinks is definitely wrong. They tell everyone else this thing. 

Step #2, The ‘certain’ player then envision some sort of authority figure, like a politician or judge or police officer or such. This authority figure sees what the player thinks as wrong, as being right.

Step #3, The other players now take turns at arguing with ‘the certain’, as his authority figure, trying to convince him that thing is wrong. ‘The certain’, even though as a player he thinks it’s wrong, has to argue that it is actually correct and right.

He does not actually have to convince anyone at the table, perse. He merely needs the other player to be too dumbfounded for words or a gasp, and he gains a point. The person who is dumbfounded or a gasp may continue to argue if they wish, but each time they give a point and after giving two points, someone else has a turn. The game moderator determines if someone was dumbfounded or a gasp.

Turns do not have to go around the group in order (if two people are keen to go at once, flip a coin or such), but all the players get one turn each, before anyone gets a second turn.

Also if anyone can’t think of anything, that’s fine, they can pass on their turn.

Step #4, Every player gets three turns. Remember that anyone who can’t think of anything or does not wish to can simply pass on their turn.

Step #5, The reversal: The game moderator has had enough time (assuming he read these rules in advance) to think of a fictional situation where the authority figures certainty on the matter is likely to cause harm to other characters (children, women, elderly) in the fictional world, or even death. Important: In the fiction, at this stage, it only seems likely that it will. By the rules (based on a certain choice), it certainly will happen latter - but in the fiction at this point in play it only seems highly likely.

The game moderator presents this fictional situation to ‘the certain’.

Step #7, The ‘certain’ player now decides if his character goes through with what the character was certain of. HOWEVER, if his character decides not to, each time he goes to declare that, players get turns at returning the arguements ’the certain’ previously gave (as best the player remembers them, and twisting the words for effect is valid play).

Each time ‘the certain’ simply repeats a refusal to do it, the players as a group, get a point. Every time ‘the certain’ is left a gasp, the players as a group get a point. The game moderator determines if either of these occurred.

All players get three turns as before (ie, in no particular order except everyone has to have one turn before anyone gets their second turn). if they score two points that’s the end of their turn. They get to present roughly one argument in an attempt to gain each point. What qualifies as one, single arguement is slightly ambiguous and the game moderator can make a call on the player who’s turn it is, to now finish. However, if everyone’s sitting forward in their seats, this doesn’t really need to be done.

Step #8, If the authority figure goes through with it, after all players have had their turn, the thing that seemed likely to happen in the fiction, does indeed happen. If the authority figure does not, the fiction ends there, much as a movie might end upon the expression of a broken man.

Step #9, the points gained by ‘the certain’ and by the players as a group, are a sort of artifact generated by play, there to leave a nagging question as to who wins in a situation like this.


Copyright, Callan S. 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

II° Turno Coppa

Una nuova sconfitta nel secondo turno di Coppa FH BG che sancisce l’elimazione dalla competizione.

Ai microfoni della stampa si è presentato il Presidente, visibilmente amareggiato per la sconfitta:

dispiace aver perso anche la seconda partita, anche se la sconfitta era stata ampiamente preventivata, le riserve non si sono dimostrate all’altezza dei colleghi della prima squadra e, per questo, continueranno ancor per molto a giocare solamente in amichevole. queste sono le occasioni in cui dovrebbero mostrar il loro carattere cosa che, invece, non è accaduta. tenteremo l’assalto alla coppa la prossima stagione, sperando in risultati migliori.

Squadra G V P S GF GS ± Pti 1. Whiskino
1 1 0 0 3 2 1 3 2. a.c. Verdello 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 3. Marte F.C.
2 0 0 2 2 6 -4 0

PlayOnLinux sarà presto nei repository di Ubuntu

PlayOnLinux presto integrato in Ubuntu

Per chi non fosse a conoscenza, PlayOnLinux è una piattaforma per la gestione dei giochi di Windows per Linux.

Ecco la notizia ufficiale:

È ufficiale ora, PlayOnLinux presto sarà direttamente disponibile sulla distribuzione Ubuntu! Infatti troverete PlayOnLinux 3.5 nei repository di “Ubuntu Universe” per la prossima release di ottobre, Karmic Koal. Oltre a questo, il nostro repository per Ubuntu resterà attivo per fornire le ultime versioni di PlayOnLinux.

Un passo davvero fondamentale ed un punto guadagnato dal sistema creato da Mark Shuttleworth che farà felice tanti appassionati di videogame.

Vuoi aumentare la velocità dei tuoi download,dello streaming e migliorare la qualità del video?? Scarica Speed Downloading, un programma gratuito di cui non ti pentirai.

Vuoi caricare il tuo cellulare in modo gratuito veloce e legale? Vinciricarica e Vinciricariche possono aiutarti!

As aventuras de Neuro Boy

As Aventuras de Neuro Boy, é um jogo que funcionará com o dispositivo MindSet da empresa NeuroSky, no qual monitora a atividade cerebral sob a forma de um medidor de energia para controlar um personagem animado na tela. O mouse é utilizado para selecionar qualquer uma das potências disponíveis (incêndio, empurrar, puxar, levantar) para o jogador. Então, é só selecionar o ícone de fogo, clicar sobre um carro por exemplo, e se concentrar para o carro pegar fogo, e se quiser levantar uma bola para fora da água, é só selecionar o ícone da pena, clicar na bola, se concentrar até que a bola levante no ar.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Aion has arrived!

We finally started playing Aion and I’m between priest and warrior, so far I’m lvl 7 with both. I think I’ll lvl up a bit more both, go to chanter and gladiator and then decide which one to play

I like the priest cause it deals damage and you can heal yourself. But warrior makes more dmg but I can’t heal myself  lol. So I’ll lvl up to see which one fits better for me. So far here a few screenshots of my warrior.

I have to say I spent such a lonnnggg time creating my characters. And both look almost the same. The character customization in Aion is amazing!!! I’d like some different hair styles like those  ones longer in the front and shorter in the back (which is my hair style) lol

p.s. Ars Virendi: Man vs. Vrouw (game 2)


2 oktober 10:30

Ik vond het jammer dat we voor de tweede dag op rij een beetje gezeik hadden gehad, dus ik stuurde haar een sms dat ik niet boos was, maar dat ik gewoon beetje chagerijnig was vanwege haar gedrag, maar dat dat alweer over was.

Daarop had zij gereageerd, maar haar Amerikaanse telefoon wil nog wel eens vertraging hebben, waardoor ik deze pas kreeg met haar volgende sms (iets waar je als man helemááál gek van wordt; als het naar jouw zin te lang duurt voordat zij iets terugstuurt, vooral wanneer zij normaal gesproken in haar terugsturen de lichtbarriere doorbreekt).


Kennelijk had in die tussentijd de kapper haar kapsel verkracht en nu was zij dus extreem boos. Haar scalp is heilig en maak daar dan ook geen fouten mee. Op Skype moest ik haar dan ook eerst even laten uitrazen voor we het over de nacht ervoor konden hebben.

Sowieso had ik haar verkeerd begrepen: die middag had ze niet gezegd “I don’t feel so good”, maar “I don’t feel like it”. Mijn confabulatortje wist het mooi te brengen. Verder moest ik niet gepikeerd zijn over woensdag aangezien dat allemaal al was uitgesproken. Mij viel meteen op dat als een vrouw vindt dat iets is uitgesproken het ook uitgesproken moet zijn, maar als wij als mannen dat vinden, neeeheee dan moet  erover doorgegaan worden tot de neiging-tot-Egyptische-taferelen aan toe.


Ik besloot dat het mij niet verder hielp haar te vertellen dat ik een uur extra had wakker gelegen. Gelukkig begon ze daar zelf over en bood kort (want o wee als ze zich zou laten kennen) haar excuses aan.


Het was uitgesproken, ik kon niet meer winnen. Eindstand: 0-1

Can I Be Your Sweet Thing? Oh Baby!

I gotta say, last night was impressive.  I actually got to experience the TEXTBOOK wingman pick-up line.  I don’t know how I’ve managed to miss out on the pick-upy goodness up to this point.  But wow, this was some good stuff.

I was at a show with a girlfriend, and we are obviously engaged in a very deep and fascinating conversation (it was either debating what event defined our generation, September 11th or Kurt Cobain’s suicide, or discussing the merits of gay porn, I can’t remember which).  But anyway, we both see these two dudes roll up to us.  Now, my friend is thinking “Aaaawwwmaaan, incoming!”  She is happily involved with someone, but since she is an awesome friend, she plays along.  (I am single, she didn’t want to cock-block if I was into one of them)

Wingman opens the conversation with, “So we’re gonna try something.”

Us:  Umm, ok.

Wingman:  You guys dropped your name tags.

Us:  Um, no, I don’t think so.  *look at each other like, what?*

Wingman and Other Guy (OG), in tandem, reach into their pockets and pull out….”Sweet Thing” sugar alternative packets (poor man’s Sweet ‘n’ Low).

I bust out laughing.  I believe my next comment was, “Which book gave you that opener?”

OG:  Came up with it tonight at dinner.

Me:  Well you’ve got our attention, now what?

Insert lame small talk here.  I think I made some joke about how awful it was to have a last name of “Thing” growing up.  Progress to:

OG: You know if you have an out of town license you can’t buy booze here.

Me:  Huh?

OG:  Yeah *Shows me California license*

Me:  Ohhhh, no, it’s just people around here don’t like Californians.

About this point my friend says she’s gonna get us another round.  On her way back, I give her the “Ok, get us outta this” eye.  We take a couple sips, make a little more inane conversation and she turns to the band merch table and says, “Oooh loook!! They’ve got cassette tapes, NO WAY!”  And with that, we are free!!

Ok Boys, here are some things I took away from this exchange:

1.  Because of all the TV shows teaching guys to pick up chicks (ie. MTV’s The Pick Up Artist or the new stupid ass movie, “I Hope they Serve Beer Up your Ass you Complete Douchebag Tucker Max”) when you use a cheesy pick up line it is soooo obvious that you really don’t have much game.  Which brings us to 2.

2.  If you’re going to use a pick-up line, have some conversation to back up the opener

3.  You might be a great guy, but you don’t have to directly interrupt an obviously perfectly entertaining conversation and replace it with your lame repertoire.  It is NOT a shame that two gorgeous intelligent women are having a conversation that does not involve a man.  Which leads me to 4.

4.  Subtlety is a virtue.  Most of the time, you’ll get a lot farther if you just happen to wander over and hang out near us, or maybe even ask if we have a cigarette.  Or, hey!  You guys know when the next band is coming on?  I mean, jeez!  You can play it a little coy.  We don’t need to know that you want to be in us RIGHT off the bat.  (Yes guys, thats is the message that lame pick-up lines send)

And anyway, I totally thought the wingman was cuter.  Dang.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

PlayZ *~ 8

.hack//G.U. – Complete Collection


Plataforma: Sony PlayStation 2 Gênero: Aventura/Plataforma/ActionRPG
Idioma: Inglês/Japonês
Produtora: Bandai/Namco Games
Nota Final: 9,8 (RECORD)


Sem HELLo pra vocês hoje, já tava ficando se saco cheio de falar “HELLo mothafuckers”, sem fala que a SweetHeart já plagiou meu “mothafucker” né. ¬.¬

E ao contrario do que o iVaporeon tinha dito minha falta na semana passada não era uma armação. XD

É que eu tava com preguiça mesmo LOL

Como eu estou estudando pra ser um programador, e como eu amo programar, ficar fazendo os trabalhos da faculdade ta mais pra uma diversão e um desafio pessoal do que estudo, por tanto podemos dizer que o iVaporeon estava parcialmente certo. Eu não estava estudando, estava apenas cumprindo uma obrigação bastante agradável. XD

Programar pra mim é tipo sexo: é obrigação você fazer direito, mas você faz com todo prazer \o/

E não pensem merda, não estava me masturbando enquanto ficava vendo os PRINTF e os GETCHAR… ¬.¬

Em fim, vamos ao game do dia, ou melhor… AOS games do dia.

Hoje falo sobre uma ótima serie (se é que pode ser chamado de serie) chamada .hack//G.U. (meu Microsoft Word chorou tentando corrigir minha ortografia agora lol).

A serie .hack//G.U. é bem diferente de uma serie comum, o normal de uma serie é um volume não estar ligado tão diretamente ao outro, por exemplo: você pode começar a jogar Devil May Cry 4 sem ter jogado o 3, ou o 2 ou o 1, a historia fica muito mais interessante se já tiver jogado os outros mas da pra jogar o 4 e entender a trama numa boa. Já no .hack//G.U. você não pode nem SONHAR em jogar o Vol.2 sem ter jogado o Vol.1. E o mesmo vale pra jogar o Vol.3 sem ter jogado o Vol.2. Justamente por isso .hack//G.U. esta mais pra um jogo único dividido em 3 DVDs individuais do que uma serie. XD

Em .hack//G.U. você controla um garoto comum na frente de um computador, nele você pode abrir seus e-mails, ler noticias, jogar um CardGame já instalado e o principal: abrir o MMORPG “The World”, após fazer login é que o jogo realmente ‘começa’… La você entra no seu personagem pela primeira vez após ter criado sua conta no jogo online. É um jogo bem parecido com os games online mesmo… Tem os mobs no meio do mapa, você enfrenta problemas com PKs e participa de PvPs. E é nesse jogo “online” que 99,9% da trama ocorre.

OBS: .hack//G.U. não é um jogo online em momento algum, apenas simula um game online. Diferente de alguns jogos como Monster Hunter que realmente são games 100% online para o PlayStation 2.

Pra quem nunca jogou um Game Online vou traduzir alguns termos. \o/

  • Mobs: Representa os monstros, aqueles que você matar em dezenas pra subir de level.
  • PvP = Player vs Player: Geralmente acontece em arenas, é uma disputa entre dois players.
  • Quest: sub-missões para fazer no jogo, elas sempre tem uma pequena historia e uma recompensa.
  • Classe/Job: É sua classe no jogo, como os arqueiros, cavaleiros, magos e etc…
  • PK = Player Killer. Em alguns jogos online você pode fazer “o que quiser”, inclusive matar outros players em qualquer lugar.

Os 3 games são: .hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth, .hack//G.U. Vol.2//Reminisce e .hack//G.U. Vol.3//Redemption.

OBS: Se você jogar o .hack//Infection, .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak e .hack//Quarantine, que também são para PS2, a historia do .hack//G.U. vai ficar ainda mais interessante, É ALTAMENTE RECOMENDAVEL JOGAR A SERIE .hack ANTES DE JOGAR OS .hack//G.U..

Bom, vamos ao primeiro game da serie…

.hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth


É o começo da historia, aqui mostra como foi o primeiro dia de jogo do seu personagem, com o nick de Haseo, e mostra o quanto ele mudou em alguns meses de jogo. O logo após uma pequena introdução já vem um enorme GC de mais de 5min, mas vale a pena cada segundo assistido. O Vol.1 é um pouco chato comparado com os outros, seu level maximo é 50, só pode se conectar a um único “servidor” do jogo mas pelo menos você pode mudar de classe/job.

No começo conseguir dinheiro pode parecer algo extremamente insano e difícil, porem depois do Vol.1 você percebe que esta ficando rico, é porque demora muito pra você gastar dinheiro e se você souber administrar e não desperdiçar vai perceber que o único momento em que vai ficar sem grana será quando você for equipar sua moto. Sim, você terá uma moto… \o/

Outra coisa bem legal em todos os volumes do game é que você tem sempre alguma quest para completar ou algum boato para investigar, deixando a historia muito mais dinâmica e ainda facilitando para as pessoas que, como eu, não tem muita paciência de ficar matando mobs o tempo todo pra subir de level. Com a quest/boato que você vai investigar você acaba lutando contra muitos mobs e ganhando level up atrás de level up sem nem mesmo perceber, porem já vou avisando: as quests são bem chatas, por isso prefiro sempre ir investigar os boatos primeiro. Para ficar sabendo dos boatos faça logoff do The World e acesse o fórum, e lá você fica sabendo dos boatos in-game que andam rolando pelo The World suas localizações, se o dono do tópico não indicou sua localização então você pode fazer um post perguntando. Algo que torna o game bem dinâmico.

.hack//G.U. Vol.2//Reminisce


Tudo fica mais interessante agora, no Vo.2 você passa pra sua ultima classe, e agora tem acesso a novas armas, alem das TwinBlades e das BroadSwords que você já usava agora você tem as armas do tipo Scythe a sua disposição e ganha a habilidade Weapon Change, possibilitando a troca de armas no meio da luta, somando tudo isso com o seu novo Awakening: o Divine Awakening. Todas essas mudanças geram um combate mais real e dinâmico.

Haseo também descobre mais sobre seus poderes Epitaph e sobre seu próprio Avatar, e no final do Vol.2 você terá uma gigantesca surpresa sobre a identidade de Tri-Edge, sobre o coma de Shino e o culpado pelo atual estado de sua amiga.

“Become strong!! Surpass your limits!! And then…! KILL ME!!!!!”

.hack//G.U. Vol.3//Redemption


No ultimo game da serie você pode se preparar, surpresas sobre a trama é o que não vai faltar…

Não vou comentar nada sobre esse ultimo volume, só vou avisando que você vai perder o Divine Awakening, mas em compensação vai ganhar o novo Avatar Awakening. E antes que me esqueça já vou avisando, cuidado com o chefe secreto, mesmo estando no level maximo 150 ele ainda é um ótimo desafio.

Espero que muitos de vocês dêem uma chance para essa desconhecida porem ótima serie para o PS2, o enredo é magnífico e cheio de surpresas, se eu não fosse tão perfeccionista esse jogo receberia um 10… XD

No final da historia eu só tenho uma coisa a declarar, a maior vitima desse jogo, quem mais sofreu com os atos de Tri-Edge… Foi o próprio “Tri-Edge”.

Bom, chega de torturar o Microsoft Word com esse monte de pontos e barras LOL. Vamos as notas do game.

Gráficos (Ambiente): 9

A paisagem do .hack//G.U. foi, de fato, feita para parecer computação gráfica, porem podiam ter feito uma computação gráfica melhor. Mas como os gráficos fracos tem justificativa mereceu um 9 vai…

Gráficos (Personagens): 8

Também tem justificativa para os gráficos fracos. Mas também poderiam ter feito coisa melhor com os cabelos e expressões faciais. Ao menos superou os gráficos nota 2 da serie antiga de PS2… LOL

Som: 8

Na minha opinião o as musicas de fundo, apesar de extramemente repetitivas combinaram perfeitamente com as musicas, também repetitivas, que ouvimos durante um MMORPG de verdade. Por isso mereceu uma nota boa, a final a intenção era imitar um MMORPG…

Historia: 10

Daria nota 11 se o limite não fosse 10… Simplesmente uma das melhores historias que já vi. Vale a pena jogar algo com um enredo tão bem esquematizado, cheio de intrigas e reviravoltas. Nota máxima!

Controles (Jogabilidade): 9

A jogabilidade ficou muito boa, principalmente com o sistema de combos combinados com os Skills e ao Rengeki. Quando você aprende o Weapon Change tudo fica melhor ainda. A única coisa que deixou a desejar foi a habilidade de pular, ta certo que nos MMORPGs geralmente não da pra pular, mas mesmo assim deixou a desejar… Sem falar que tornaria o combate MUITO mais dinâmico né.

Ponto Positivo:

A historia do game não apenas mereceu nota maxima como também ainda levou um pontinho positivo. ^^

Nota Final: 9,8